Most of you already know the back story but if not---the Springfield Armory PRO model was chosen by the FBI's HRT unit years ago and Springfield Armory realized there would soon be a demand for a civilian weapon built around the same specs as required by the FBI. The PRO is a custom 1911, with all the features, especially the price, that you'd expect from a custom 1911. The TRP comes extremely close to the PRO model in terms of feel/performance but at a much lower price point. I waited on a backorder list for a long time to get this gun after shooting one a couple years ago and the wait was worth it. This gun has been a stellar performer since day 1. Here's a quick summary:
-100% reliable through over approximately 2k rounds
-Low profile adjustable night sights
-Match grade bull barrel
-Forged steel frame/slide
-G10 grips that give a great purchase
-20 LPI front strap checkering
-Excellent slide to frame fit
-Armory Kote finish seems very durable thus far
-Standard rail for mounting lights/accessories
-Weight-45oz helps absorb recoil
-Wide mouth mag well for quick reloads
-Cost (expensive, but a great value in my opinion)
-Great accuracy
-Crisp trigger that breaks cleanly around 4-4.5lbs
-Comes with a great hard case from the factory with 2 mags, holster, and mag holster
-Needs tools for disassembly
-Adjustable rear sight (not a con for me, but it is for many)
-Cost (not as expensive as some 1911s, but more than most production guns)
-Availability: most people have to get on a backorder list to acquire one
Here's a video I made showing some shooting, an 'accuracy test' (the gun is much more accurate than me or the Aguila ammo I was using), disassembly/assembly of the pistol, a table top style overview, and some chronograph testing with popular defensive loads.
Bottom line: if you're looking for a 1911 for HD, the TRP is tough to beat at its' price point. It's simply a superb 1911. There may be 'better' 1911s, but not in this price range in my opinion.
Chronograph Data:

Winchester Ranger 230gr JHP: 938fps, 449ft/lbs energy
Federal HST 230gr JHP: 872fps, 388ft/lbs energy
Federal HST +p 230gr JHP: 945fps, 456ft/lbs energy
just wondering where/who you bought your TRP from? I can't find it that cheap anywhere? Feel free to email me at Thanks